BPC PowerForms supports all major browsers (Internet Explorer 7 and above, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera), however, if you are using Internet Explorer, then the user experience is much more smooth and user-friendly in versions 8 and above. on your clients when interacting with PowerForms for much better experience.
When IE8 or above loads in compatibility view, it behaves like IE7, sending the corresponding headers to the web server. Due to this fact, we strongly recommend that make sure that you disable IE compatibility view for your SharePoint site
By default, SharePoint 2010 master pages will be rendered in IE8 mode. However, Internet Explorer 8 and 9 have a default setting that forces compatibility view to all intranet sites, even if the site itself chooses another browser mode. If your clients have your SharePoint farm?s sites in Intranet zone, then you are recommended to uncheck the ?Display Intranet Sites in Compatibility View? option in Tools (Alt+T) => Compatibility View Settings: