The Chart control

The Chart control

The Chart control

Chart is a new control which can be used to display information in two different ways:


As a Pie Chart


As a Bar Chart


Designer Properties

Type : Chart


Provides a unique name for the control.

Enabled for new records

Sets if the control will be enabled or disabled when the forms handles a new record

Enabled for existing records

Sets if the control will be enabled or disabled when the forms handles an existing record


Marks the cotnrol as Required.

By default, the system recognizes required fields and marks them with this flag. Additionaly, controls can be marked as required event if the bound column is not.

Enabled Formula

Set an expression then will be evaluated during run-time and enable or disable the control.

The expression must be in javascript and should return a boolean value.

Dependencies between controls are automatically identified and the expression is re-calculated every time a control affecting the formula changes.

Example :


form.GetControl("c_Status").GetValue() != "Open" && form.UserInGroup("Administrators")

Visibility Formula

Define a valid formula (using javascript) that will be evaluated during runtime to show or hide the control.

The expression should return a boolean value.

For example :


form.FieldValue("c_Status") != "Rejected" || form.UserID() == "1"




Chart needs data which contains two fields: one field should contain text i.e. months, and another field which contains numbers i.e. income. For an example list, take a look at the following picture:



To supply data to the Chart Control, use the following options :

  • Chart values will be retrieved from a list query
  • Chart values will be provided by a web service call
  • Chart values will be provided by an SQL query
List Query

A List Query that returns text and numbers should be used, like the picture below:


To bind the Chart control to the above list query, do the following:

Web Service

The same as above, a web service that returns text and numbers should be used.

SQL Query

Works the same way as ListQueries and Web Service.


Layout Properties


Defines the width of the control.

When the value is zero, the maximum allowed width will be used.


Defines the control height.

If the value is zero, the height property will not be set. 


Defines the horizontal alignment of the parent cell (values : left, right, center)


Defines the vertical alignment of the parent cell (values : top, bottom, center)

Fore Color

Defines the fore color of the control

Back Color

Defines the Background color of the control.

Cell Color

Defines the color of the parent cell.

Font Size

Declares the font size of the text


Sets the margin applied to the control, that is, the spacing between the control and the cell borders.

Font Bold

Changes the weight of the font used


Changes the font style for the control text


Lookup Details

No lookup details are used with this control.

Extra Configuration


The chart type. Can be Pie or Bars.


The field name that represents the display property of the data source, i.e. Months


The field name that represents the value property of the data source (numeric), i.e. Income


The first color of the bar geadient, i.e. #FCA


The second color of the bar geadient, i.e. #C70