It is a datagrid with which a user can enter, edit or delete information. The control operates in two modes:
1) Single list mode, where it stores the detail information into a column of type multiple lines of text (note: the column must use Plain Text format). In this case, the data are saved in XML format.
2) Multiple list mode, where the data are stored in a separate list (using list query to load data and then save them). See master detail using DataEntryGrid control tutorial for details.
Type : DataEntryGrid
Provides a unique name for the control.
Indicates if the control is :
1) Unbound. This should be the case the control stores its data in a separate list. See master detail using DataEntryGrid control tutorial for details.
2) Bound to a list column: When bound to a multiline text column (plain text), it will save the detail rows in XML format.
Sets if the control will be enabled or disabled when the forms handles a new record
Sets if the control will be enabled or disabled when the forms handles an existing record
Marks the cotnrol as Required.
By default, the system recognizes required fields and marks them with this flag. Additionaly, controls can be marked as required event if the bound column is not.
Set an expression then will be evaluated during run-time and enable or disable the control.
The expression must be in javascript and should return a boolean value.
Dependencies between controls are automatically identified and the expression is re-calculated every time a control affecting the formula changes.
Example :
form.GetControl("c_Status").GetValue() != "Open" && form.UserInGroup("Administrators")
Define a valid formula (using javascript) that will be evaluated during runtime to show or hide the control.
The expression should return a boolean value.
For example :
form.FieldValue("c_Status") != "Rejected" || form.UserID() == "1"
With this choice made, the dataentrygrid is not bound to another list but its data are saved within the same list in a multiple line plain text column.
A predefined list query is bound to the value of the control. So during form initialization, the specified list query is executed and binds the dataentry grid
Defines the width of the control.
When the value is zero, the maximum allowed width will be used.
Defines the control height.
If the value is zero, the height property will not be set.
Defines the horizontal alignment of the parent cell (values : left, right, center)
Defines the vertical alignment of the parent cell (values : top, bottom, center)
Not applicable
Not applicable
Defines the color of the parent cell.
Declares the font size of the text
Sets the margin applied to the control, that is, the spacing between the control and the cell borders.
Changes the weight of the font used
Changes the font style for the control text
Allows users to update records
Allows users to delete records from the grid
This property (true/false) provides the user with the ability to jump forward from cell to cell using the TAB key, or the SHIFT+TAB for backward way.
Sets the Horizontal positioning of the New/Delete buttons in relation to the grid.
Sets the Vertical positioning of the New/Delete buttons in relation to the grid.
Sets the positioning mode of the New/Delete buttons. 'Inline' means that the buttons will be displayed in an absolute positioning mode without taking extra space on the bottom (or top depending on the alignment) of the grid. Useful when you want to add extra controls next to the buttons.
Render an image instead of a button for the 'New Record' button.
Render an image instead of a button for the 'Delete Record' button.
You can write a script that will be executed once a dataitem value is changed. The event is only raised when using existing controls. The 'fieldName' parameter contains the property name that raised the change. You can get the underlying dataitem using the control.InputControl.GetSelectedItem() method and you can change the value of a property in the item using the item.SetValue(fieldName, value) method.
You can write a script that will be executed once the selection is changed. The 'item' variable is available containing the item selected or null if the grid has no item selected.
This is the perfect time to make changes to the data loaded, before they are finally placed inside the DataEntryGrid control.
Occurs AFTER the data has been placed inside the grid (assuming the control is bound to a List Query). The 'items' variable is available, containing the items retrieved.
You can write a script that will be executed when a grid cell enters edit mode, providing the ability to close the cell and cancel the edit process.
The 'e' object contains the event parameters, and you can set e.Cancel to true in order to cancel editing
e.FieldName is the name of the column that is currently being edited.
e.DataItem contains the currently selected record's data.
if (e.FieldName == 'Title' && e.DataItem.Description == 'Skip editing') {
e.FieldName is the name of the column that is currently being edited.
e.DataItem is the actual record.
e.Control is the form control that is created within the cell.
Add the fields of the data entry grid
Name : The name of the field. It should begin with a letter and only contain letters, numbers and the underscore character
Header : The field header
Type : The control type. Possible values are Textbox, DatePicker, Combobox, Checkbox, Existing, NoEdit (to make a non-editable, read-only field)
ExistingControlName : When the control type is 'Existing' you can set the name of an existing control on the form (should normally be hidden and dedicated for this purpose). That control will be used in the data entry form.
Width : The grid column width. Leave blank for Auto sizing.
DisplayFormat : Indicates the way the value will be presented inside the data grid. Possible values are:
- (denotes no formatting, displaying the value as-is),
ValueField or DisplayField for lookup controls (ID;#TITLE),
Date for date fields (can be used in conjunction with the FormatString property),
DateTime for date-time fields (can be used in conjunction with the FormatString property),
Number (can be used in conjunction with the FormatString property).
FormatString : Sets the format for Date, DateTime and Number fields. For example #,##0.00 or MM/dd/yyyy
Required : Defines if the field is required
BackColor : The cell background color
ForeColor : The cell foreground color
FontBold : The text weight
FontSize : The size of the font used
HAlign : Sets the text's Horizontal Alignment. Possible values: - (default alignment), Left, Right, Center
Values : Array of string values that will be used as the data source of the control when the type is ComboBox
DefaultFieldValue : Specifies the default value to be given to the field in new items. The value can contain expression that refers to another control, for example {c_Title} in order to retrieve text from the control named c_Title.
CustomCellTemplateFormula : You can define a custom javascript formula that is going to be evaluated on runtime to produce the cell content. Use data field names as variables, for example: '<b>' + Title.toUpperCase() + </b>'
ColumnFiltering : If selected, then the grid displays a drop-down menu when the user clicks this column, used for filtering purposes.
Add Name/Value pairs to update item properties when the control is bound to a list. Values could be either static or calculated. (i.e. Name=Priority, Value=High or Name=Customer, Value={value:c_ID}. You can use the {ParentID} keyword for the value property to set the ID of the parent record (event if not saved yet).
Name : The column internal name
Value : The default value of the column. Set either static values or calculated values based on form controls (i.e. {value:Field1}). You can use the {ParentID} keyword for the value property to set the ID of the parent record (event if not saved yet).
Define additional List Queries that will be executed for each item record retrieved. These can be used to retrieve additional information, even from other lists, for each record in the DataEntryGrid.
ListQuery : The list query name.
SearchTargetField : The internal column name of the query that we want to apply criteria.
SearchSourceField : A field defined on the DataEntryGrid control, whose value will be used as a criteria to filter the list query results.
SearchOperator : The criteria operator. Possible Values: BeginsWith, Contains, Equals, NotEquals, Greater, GreaterOrEqual, Less, LessOrEqual, IsNull, IsNotNull
SearchType : The criteria type. Possible Values: Text, Counter, Lookup, DateTime, Number
InitScript : This script will be executed for each item before executing the list query. The variable 'item' is available, containing the current record. You can write custom JS code, to possibly change a value in the record, before performing the actual list query.
CallbackScript : The script that will be executed, once the list query returns the results. The variables 'item' and 'result' are available. The item represents the current record and the result represents the list query results, based on the current record. Available properies : result.ErrorMessage, result.ListItems
Sets the script that will be executed at the value-change event of the control.
Example :
var value = form.GetControl("c_Title").GetValue();
if (value == "Open") form.HideSection("Details");
else form.ShowSection("Details");
This method refreshes the grid's content.
var item = new Object();
item.Title = "TestTitle";
item.Bank = "TestBank";
This function returns all items currently shown on the DataEntryGrid Control. You can also use SetValue, to programmatically change column values.