SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding methods for Sections

SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding methods for Sections

SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding methods for Sections

SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding are two new methods which when used, will control the internal cell spacing and padding of a section on a form.


The generic way of calling both methods is:


form.SetSectionCellSpacing("Section Key", "Size in Integer");

form.SetSectionCellPadding("Section Key", "Size in Integer");


A prerequisite to use the above two methods is to add a key to the section you wish to change the spacing/padding, like in the picture below:


We'll use the section below to show the changes performed by the two methods individually. The section without any changes:


Changing our example's section called testSection spacing size to 20:


form.SetSectionCellSpacing("testSection", "20");


Changing our example's section called testSection padding size to 20:


form.SetSectionCellPadding("testSection", "20");