This type of data provider returns a static list (array) of strings or objects. Useful for lookup data (for example in
Combobox control), where a set of values can be defined in Design time.
The actual list of values can be set using the tabular list editor, shown below:
If you need a more structured list with columns, you can define the fields in a comma separated fashion in the “Fields” textbox, and press “Apply”:
In the above example, a list of static rows with properties “ID” and “Title” is defined.
- You can add a new row or delete the selected one in the static data source, using the “New” and “Delete” buttons respectively.
- You can also re-order the items, by using the “Move Up” / “Move Down” buttons.
- The entire set of rows can be exported or imported by using the “Copy Definition”/”Paste Definition” buttons.

If the "Return a Copy" property is checked, then every time the Data Provider is executed, a new instance of the static dataset is created on the fly. This is useful i.e. if the provider is shared among multiple controls, and you want to modify the values at runtime for one of the controls.