Conditional customizations
Conditional Customizations Sometimes in Sharepoint, there may be a need to have more than one form layout for an individual list. Different fields or form designs may be required to differentiate between field values. For example using a customers ...
Changing default styles
Changing default styles The content of the includes section are appended inside the final form html. You can add any additional scripts to be included in the form, or define your required styles. For example : Code <style> .pf-required-field ...
Define Calculated Fields and Visibility/Enabled formulas
Define Calculated Fields and Visibility/Enabled formulas One of the options available with every control is to provide its value using a calculation formula. By setting a field to be calculated, you have to define the calculation formula for the ...
Lazy Loading for Tabs
Lazy Loading for Tabs This option is introduced to help shorten PowerForms loading times, when your form contains a large number of information shown in multiple tabs. To access this property, click on the Properties icon on any tab. Lazy Loading ...
Setting Column Span for Controls
Setting Column Span for Controls A newly added feature in Power Forms Designer allows the user to easily modify a control's column / row span using the designer view. Using buttons placed on the control, the user can easily and effectively design the ...
Using the format painter to copy control formatting
Using the formal painter to copy control formatting The format painter is a tool used to copy a control's format to multiple controls. You can use it to easily create identical controls, without the need to build them from scratch every time. The ...
Designer Options
Designer Options The latest version of Powerforms HTML includes two new options in the Designer -> Options section, Show Progress Form and Tab Animation. Show Progress Form This option refers to the progress form shown while the actual form is ...
Required Fields
Required Felds Required fields (marked as such in the List Settings) are automatically identified and marked in the form designer (IsRequired property). You can mark any field as required by raising the "Required" flag in the control properties ...
Customizations for lists with multiple content types
Customizations for lists with multiple content types PowerForms HTML supports multiple content types within a Sharepoint list by providing the functionality to create a different customization file for each content type. Effectively, this means that ...