Handling the AttachmentsLoaded event
Handling the AttachmentsLoaded event The "form" object available from script, exposes a specific event that is raised after the item attachments are loaded. The event is called "AttachmentsLoaded" and provide a list of the available item attachments. ...
Calling a web service programmatically
Calling a web service programmatically Here is an example of calling a web service client-side from a Button control within a form. The first thing we have to do is to create the web service call in Web Services section. In our example we will ...
Handling the BusyChanged event for controls
Handling the BusyChanged event for controls Each control exposes a "BusyChanged" event which is raised when the controls starts loading data (for example for comboboxes, radiobuttons, checkboxes) and when loading completes. The event provides a ...
Handling the Value-Change event of controls
Handling the Value-Change event of controls There is a special section in the control properties dialog where users can write the client-side script that will be executed when the value for that control changes. All the available methods and ...
SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding methods for Sections
SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding methods for Sections SetSectionCellSpacing, SetSectionCellPadding are two new methods which when used, will control the internal cell spacing and padding of a section on a form. The generic way of ...
SetDataSource method for DataGrid
SetDataSource method for DataGrid SetDataSource is a new method used to bind a DataGrid to an array of objects during runtime. c_Control5 is our example datagrid. Code var c = form.GetControl("c_Control5").InputControl; var data = []; var item = ...
Include custom javascript in the form
Include custom javascript in the form Sometimes we need to have a common function that must be called from several controls. For this purpose there is a new category in the scripts section called 'Includes'. In this section you can write either ...
Enable, Disable, Select Tab on Form using scripting
Enable, Disable, Select Tab on Form using scripting You can now programmatically Enable, Disable and Select a tab on the form. The generic syntax is: Code form.EnableTab(integer); form.DisableTab(integer); form.SelectTab(integer); where interger ...
Using the SetCellColor method
Using the SetCellColor method SetCellColor is used to dynamically change the cell color of a control using scripting. To call the method: Code form.GetControl("ControlName").SetCellColor("ColorCode"); where ControlName is the name of the control ...
Using the ParentListName method
Using the ParentListName method A new method called ParentListName was added in the latest version of PowerForms HTML. This method can be called from a form used inside a ListAndForm control and will return the list name of the form containing the ...